All Day Dining
Lille 在法文中代表著「小島」,M 則代表著 Marais 瑪黑家居。餐廳延伸愜意用餐氛圍,並將餐點囊括早午餐、前菜、正餐、甜點及飲品等豐富菜式,不論在白天、晚上等各種時刻都能盡情享用,成 All Day Dining 全日餐廳新選擇。
In French, Lille represents "small island," while M represents Marais. The restaurant extends a relaxed dining atmosphere and offers a wide range of dishes including breakfast, appetizers, main courses, desserts, and beverages. Guests can enjoy these delicacies at any time of the day or night, making it a new choice for an All Day Dining restaurant.